Phone: 780 672 2092
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 11:00 am
Sunday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Our Worship Service
If you have missed any of our services, be sure to check out our YouTube channel. Every Sunday Grace Lutheran records its service along with the sermon. You can find previous recordings on our Facebook page or Youtube channel @gracelutheranchurch. We also air our services on Channel 10 Eastlink at 1pm
Located below is the most recent recording of Grace Lutheran's service.
Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church
Sermon 2024 10 27
Greatest Story Ever Told 2024 10 27
Worship 2024 10 27
When Grace Lutheran provides communion to the congregation we believe ....
that we are joining together with Jesus at His supper. He calls this supper "Holy Communion" and Jesus invites us to come to His meal and then be persuaded by His promise, that when we eat His bread and drink the wine, by faith we receive Jesus' true body and blood for the forgiveness of out sin and all our sins. So if this us your heartfelt desire and faith conviction - that Jesus is truly present in with under the elements of bread and wine, then come to Him, come to His altar and receive from Jesus His promise to forgive.
If you are not able to receive the bread and wine, but want a prayer blessing, then Jesus also invites you to come and receive this blessing.